100 days of cold showers

Feb 19, 2021 | Articles, News

So a couple of days ago I completed the 100th consecutive day of having a cold morning shower.

From comments from guests on a couple of our Evolve to Succeed podcasts and also under the challenge from a few friends I thought I should give it a go.

I must admit I was sceptical and thought it may just be a ‘fad’ but on the principle that should not ignore or pass comment on something until you have given it a go then on the 8th November I added it to my morning routine.

103 days later I am definitely a convert. I have seen a number of benefits but most of all I have seen a significant increase in my positivity as I start the day more alert and invigorated. It certainly helps balance my nervous system through deeper breathing and the initial shock.

Certainly going to keep on doing it.

Thought I would just share this experience in case any of you are thinking of trying it and thought it was a fad or gimmick. If you are also in the regime of cold showers then would love to hear your experiences and any benefits you have found.

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